Saturday, May 28, 2011

Today should be endless!

Your host decided that she should end this awesome week with a fresh injection to her insatiable desire for knowledge. Hence she found herself sitting among the participants of "The Law on Wills - Islamic Perspective" seminar presented by Tuan Haji Nordin Bin Yusoff, Advocate & Solicitor, of Messrs. Nordin Yusoff & Co., Petaling Jaya.

The Laws on Wills : Islamic Perspective
27th May, 2011 - TJB, JB

Your host was so intrigued by the contents of the Seminar that she changed seat from the back row to the very first seat right at the front row! And each and everyone of the participants was very attentive and appreciative of the seminar! Obviously everyone did not want to lose the chance to pose questions to the Speaker. The Speaker was kind enough to answer all questions, including those that were asked to him off the seminar time!

And the sharing from the Speaker's personal collection of the late Ahmad Deedat's lecture at New York Uni was simply awesome! Your host found the way the late Ahmad Deedat's recited verses from the Quran just like that was really amazing and jaw dropping! Subhanallah!

And in support of the Speaker's Islamic dakwah, your host and other participants willingly purchased a copy of the Holy Quran. This Author of this Quran devoted 30 years of his life to write this. If someone could devote 30 years of his life to write this, this piece of his devotion is undoubtedly worth buying and reading!

The Speaker was sweet enough to oblige your host's request to autograph this Holy Quran - for the remembrance of attending his Seminar! The rest of the people who purchased the Holy Quran followed suit! However, your host is still trying to decipher the scribble!
In support of the Speaker's Islamic dakwah!

To Junaida, I hope you are amused by this holy book!
- your host would want to read it as such!
The Master of Ceremony did a great job by putting all those participants together in a comfortable auditorium to listen to this awesome Seminar! Kudos and thank you to JBC for organizing this awesome Seminar! And thank you to the Speaker for such great sharing of useful knowledge!   

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